
Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Scott Austin, Rochester

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100% Mortgages and More..

Zoom Mortgage has access to 100% mortgages, thats right

"No Down Payment needed". (T&C's apply)

If you are renting in London and want to buy your own home, we have a plan for you. Utilizing your current rent that you pay will allow us to see the maximum loan that can be provided. Imagine moving to a leafy suburb, freher air quality, better schools, easy transport links back into London. Give us a call to see how much you could borrow.

We also have access to other sprecialist lenders that work directly with Executive Chefs that have just started their own business. Whether you are employed or self-employed we have solutions.

If you are struggling because of Irregular income, past credit issues, or simply lack the time to meet a mortgage professional. Do not worry. I can help make those worries go away.

With many years of experience, your solution is a call away. 0800 310 1210

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